This kit is versatile. Comes with guitar and piano loops plus drum kits and everything you would need to make a beat. I cooked up a few already. The sounds are clean and have the bpm marked making it easy. Go get it now. I'm also an artist and @kaydeepro has most of the production on my project he is 🔥
These accents are beautiful and add that extra layer of emotion to push your compositions to be the best versions of themselves. Would absolutely buy again.
I absolutely love this Drum kit, The open hats are can fit into so many different types of beats its ridiculous. the 808 are great for opium... even though the kit isn't necessarily themed toward that but any way. long story short its extremely versatile!
the loops are great too, i've never used one because i dont use loops but they are all great for inspiration!
Mike always comes through with the sounds! Top notch really interpretable into your music. Mike Fuego the truth with the sound design!! Iiinfinite on his shit too!
Great kit for any style, most capable for anything trap related but fits any genre. Many unique sounds mostly space themed. One of my go tos if i have no idea of my sound selection.